Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy of Tacoma | GRIT CITY BJJ Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy of Tacoma | GRIT CITY BJJ
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Tacoma

01. Always be respectful.

02. Always address Professors and Coaches accordingly.

03. Uphold the integrity of our principles on and off the mats.

04. If you are late, wait outside the mats until the Instructor gives you permission to join.

05. Bow on and off the mats.

06. Do not leave the mat area without permission from the Instructor.

07. During class, when the instructor is demonstrating techniques, every student must sit or stand in good

08. Talking should be kept to a minimum level and should relate to the class subject.

09. No foul language inside the school.

10. Be Humble

11. Believe & Achieve


12. No shoes on the mats. Shoes or flip flops required when you are not on the mats.

13. No food or open containers/cups. Bottled drinks only.

14. No electronic devices allowed in the training area.

15. Change in the designated changing areas. Do not change in the restrooms.

16. All training gear and bags should be left in the bag area, not on the benches or around the training area.


17. Always keep good hygiene.

18. The uniform must be clean at all times.

19. Keep fingernails and toenails trimmed.

20. All jewelry, piercings, necklaces, and other items should be removed during training.


21. All students must wear our patches on their uniform at all times.

22. Absolutely, no other school/affiliation patches may be worn for training.


23. Spectators must sit in the designated seating area.

24. Keep all electronic devices silent unless given prior permission to have them on.

25. Absolutely NO coaching your children or other students during class.

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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Tacoma | 253BJJ, LLC
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(253) 426-8197 Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Tacoma